
Icon KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin

The Project

The KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin is an innovative project in Berlin conceived as a role model for other regions. It is a collaboration between two main skilled crafts and trade guilds, SHK Berlin and Berlin Electro. The project symbolizes a spirit of optimism and addresses the severe lack of skilled workers in the crafts sector, which are essential en route to a climate-neutral Berlin.

The KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin aims to recruit skilled workers for climate-related trades to train them across different crafts. This will enable them to employ state-of-the-art methods and technologies and ensure a smooth energy transition in Berlin.

Plans for KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin center around the building and operation of a cross-trades exhibition, event, and educational space. The building is intended as a hub for presentations, as well as for providing training and fostering further education measures for skilled workers in a climate-neutral setting.

The project is funded and supported by the Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises (Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe - SenWiEnBe) as part of the Masterplan Solarcity.

The four focal points of the KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin


The following activities are currently being planned and coordinated with those involved in vocational training and further education:

Recruitment of young talents

  • Recruitment of young talents among students
  • Recruitment of young talents with other occupational profiles
  • Recruitment of young talents among women
  • General career orientation (focus on those qualified for higher education)
  • Recruiting young talents through job integration of migrants and refugees


  • Additional qualifications
  • Climate-trade specific and intercompany apprentice training
  • Partial qualification (climate)
  • Partial qualification (electric photovoltaics)
  • Electronics technician for building system integration as a further training measure

Continuing education

Focus on energy transition technologies:

  • PV and storage
  • Heat pump
  • Smart home & charging infrastructure
  • Hydrogen

Formats offered:

  • Part-time courses
  • Academic training and further qualification (Bachelor and Master Professional)
  • Preparatory courses to obtain proof of expertise (so-called technical rules, TR)
  • Offers for instructors (“Train-the-Trainer”)
  • Participation in the dual study program “Renewable Energies” in cooperation with the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW)


Presentation and practical tests of technical innovations and their possible uses for climate-associated trades.

Icon Projektverlauf

Project Progress

April 2021 to January 2023

Phase 1: Feasibility Study

As early as April 2021, the Berlin Guilds for Electronics and SHK (HVAC) presented the idea of a KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin as a solution for recruiting and securing skilled workers in Berlin: A cross-trade exhibition and education center for the purpose of demonstration, training, and further education in a climate-neutral setting. The building is planned on a property of the electrical guild in Berlin-Köpenick. A closer examination of the viability of the Center was approved by stakeholders at a workshop, and by the Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises (Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe - SenWiEnBe). Subsequently, a feasibility study was conducted and published in November 2022.

Since March 2023

Phase 2: Implementation Concept

After the publication of the feasibility study, the Guilds for Electronics and SHK (HVAC), supported by ideas into energy and T-Base Consulting and funded by SenWiEnBe, began the in-depth planning and development of a comprehensive implementation concept. This concept includes a structural plan, a financing concept, use concept, as well as PR measures. It also contains proposed activities for the period from the start of construction until the opening of KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin.

The next steps for the implementation of a ClimateWorkshop@Berlin are:

  • Concretization of the usage concept, particularly for operations
  • Examination of financing options for the new building
  • Development of a concept including financing of operations
  • Continuation of the design planning, start of the implementation planning

Phase 3: Implementation

The KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin project pursues a forward-looking, innovative and cooperative approach to vocational training – an approach that will be reflected in the architecture of the building. According to the current planning status, the establishment of a construction entity will be followed by a public tender for construction services as part of an architectural competition in 2024.

Construction is scheduled to begin after a successful tender and selection.

As part of the public relations work for KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin as a project of the Masterplan Solarcity, a student competition for the building was held in 2022 together with the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin). The best three projects were awarded prizes at the Solarcity Conference in 2022. The winners can be viewed here.

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The Partners

The KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin project was initiated by the two Berlin Guilds SHK and Electro, supported by ideas into energy and T-Base Consulting.

Logo Standort

The Location

Map Berlin Klimawerkstatt@Berlin

A 1,600 square meter plot of land is available for the construction of the KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin in the direct vicinity of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft - HTW). The site can be reached by public transport or by car in approx. 30-40 minutes from Berlin-Mitte (Alexanderplatz). The nearest tram stop is “Rathenaustr./ HTW”, approximately a one-minute walk (200 m) away from the site.

The KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin building is intended to fit harmoniously into the historic “AEG Kabelwerk Oberspree” complex, which borders the property. The proximity of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW) will also be used synergistically.

Location: Peter-Behrens-Str. 2, Treptow-Köpenick, Berlin

Karte Klimawerkstatt@Berlin

Peter-Behrens-Str. 2,


Hochschule für
Technik und
Wirtschaft Berlin

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